October 10, 2013


Today is the day, the anniversary of Peppercorns
to celebrate the monster day, we'll make a stunning sale party~

Get 30% discount for all monsters! 
1. Kirim pesananmu melalui message facebook / LINE: peppercorns HARI INI 10-10-13 s/d pukul 21.00 
2. Format pemesanan: Nama - No.hp - Alamat lengkap dgn kecamatan - kode produk & size (jk ada) - bank BNI / BCA
3. Transfer HARI INI 10-10-13 paling lambat pukul 23.00. Lewat dari itu harga sudah kembali normal
4. Seluruh pesanan SALE akan kami kirim dgn JNE pada hari Senin 
5. We'll do our best to respond your orders as soon as possible. Please waiting for our reply

October 6, 2013

Coming Soon! Peppercorns Anniversary Sale~

Save the date
10 October 2013

There are a special discount in the special day~